Even though the bones of our body vary in shapes and sizes they all possess the same function:
Mainly as the core structure that supports the whole frame of our body. Our bones allow us to do the things we do everyday through bodily movement, and bipedal motions while internal functions that helps keep our body maintain astate of homeostasisare working thanks to the bone's calcim mineral storage. We are able to move, evade harm and satisfy our daily basic needs attributed in part to our thigh bone. For this reason, the thigh bone has a high susceptibility to get injured. Therefore, it is necessary to have substantial knowledge about the different signs and symptoms of
femoral bone breakage. If the bone fails to absorb the shock from the outside physical force, bone fracture happens. During extreme activity where accidents such as falls and blows occur and when the bone is subjected to constant stress such as in trainings and sport activities, bone fracture may happen.
Disease condition affecting the bone integrity such as in osteoporosis increases the likelihood for bone fracture. When the thigh bone breaks, it could be in the form of a clean snapping of the bone into two parts, or the bone breakage may result to a shattered bone. Bone breakage of the leg occurs when:
Pain: Normally, bones do not have pain receptors in their make up. Pain occurs because the bones are enclosed with a rich network of tissues packed with nociceptors (also called pain receptors) that is why when trauma of the bone occurred, pain ensues.
Loss of Function: A fractured bone is incapable of fulfilling its function to move. Weight-bearing is certainly impossible since forcing it would lead to further injury and the pain is excruciating.
Bleeding: Obvious hemorrhage occur if the broken bone punctures the surrounding tissues along with the skin that is usually seen in open fractures. If the bone breakage does not protrude, internal bleeding occurs noticeable with bruising and reddening of the affected area.
Shortening of the Leg: Shortening of the affected limb occur because the broken bone is misplaced from its normal anatomical site.
On the other hand, an increase in reports regarding Fosamax bone fracture still continues. If you feel the need to talk to someone knowledgeable about filing Fosamax femur fracture lawsuits, you can consult an adept Fosamax lawyer for free. To learn more about this, visit more Fosamax lawsuit sites available.